Thursday 1st August: Pagham North Wall

 We arrived at North Wall around 9.30 on a hot, sunny day, and spent some time scanning the far reaches of White's Creek in search of Curlew Sandpipers. The combination of incoming tide, heat haze and poor light conspired against us, and we just couldn't get enough detail on all the feeding waders. At closer range we found Lapwing, Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel and Curlew. We were able to discern Grey Plover and Dunlin with black bellies in the haze, but views were unsatisfactory. As the tide came in, there were plenty of Little Egret and Grey Heron on the higher areas of salt marsh.

On Breech Pool, there were three Spotted Redshank, including one with noticeable spotting remaining on its breast. A pair of black-tailed Godwits and a juvenile 'humbug' Great Crested Grebe  also showed well.

Spotted Redshank 

As we rested on a bench, Bernie and Steve came into view, and came and joined us to scan the harbour. With Bernie's superior skills a Green Sandpiper which flew in behind us was picked up by its call, and we had a decent but short view before it flew off into the distance. A Kestrel was hunting along the rocky bank, and over the treetops several Marsh Harriers were seen, including a moulting adult and a dark juvenile, Bernie informing us that the plumage lightens as they mature.


We continued a slow progression along North Wall, finding Little Grebe in the creek and a number of Cattle Egret roosting in Owl Copse. Over the harbour there was a sudden massed take off of waders, and scanning the skies a Sparrowhawk was identified as the cause of the panic.

Returning to the wildfowlers hut, we sat down to wait for the tide to recede, hoping the Curlew Sandpipers may be enticed a little nearer. Four likely suspects were foraging some way down the creek, but the light was poor and although Bernie saw a white rump as they flew this was not a satisfactory tick for me...unless its the only sighting I get this year!


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