Thursday 29th August 2024: Surprise Spot Fly!

 With an early pub lunch with friends in the diary, we had no plans for birding today. However, following a relaxing meal, we decided to walk the long way home, through Buckingham Park and beside the river. At the Flood Arch sluice, we were thrilled to see two shimmering Kingfishers dashing upstream, then quickly returning with a sharp whistle as they darted out of view beneath the sluice. 

Crossing the park, a Kestrel hovered over the ‘wildlife area’, but our star bird was found as we took the narrow scrub-lined path towards the river, where Tim noticed a Spotted Flycatcher perched on a curving bramble stem. It posed awhile, before performing its characteristic fly-catching dance, arching into the air and resettling on an adjacent dead branch. We were able to observe this lovely but understated bird for several minutes, noting its streaked crown and subtle chest markings. This was our first sighting of the species for the year, so it was great to have such stonking views!

Spotted Flycatcher

The river contained the usual suspects, with good numbers of gulls making use of the exposed mudbanks at low tide, and decent numbers of Redshank and Ringed Plover again. We had previously noted twenty Turnstones and four Oystercatchers on our way over to the pub, with similar numbers of Little Egrets dotted about the river, but there was no sign of more unusual migrating waders today. 

We were very glad to have taken the diversion home, and reflected how lucky we are to live in this beautiful place, with so many brilliant habitats for birds right on our doorstep. We are truly blessed!


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