Wednesday 28th August 2024: Cissbury Ring

 Sue and I were a little late for peak migration watching this morning, having spent a couple of hours on Sdos business before we set out. Nevertheless, we had a rewarding walk and managed a reasonable tally of species.

We took the path from Beggars Bush car park, and found a Lesser Whitethroat showing remarkably well in a small bush beside the track. As we began to climb the ring, Goldfinches and Linnets were active, and soon we encountered an area of trees and scrub where there were several yellow-hued young Willow Warblers flitting, as well as a wheezing Greenfinch and a lollipop flock of twittering Long-tailed Tits.

At the top of the scarp slope, we sat on the grass and waited for the birds to come to us. We had several sightings of Common Redstart, although the dense leaf cover meant we never really had decent views. Blackcaps, male and female, were foraging here, together with Common Whitethroat and more Willow Warblers, all fattening up for the next stage of their long journey south. As we descended back down the path, a couple of probable Spotted Flycatchers were perched at the top of the trees,  but the bright sunlight drained out colouration and they disappeared before we could readjust our position and confirm our ID. 

Rather than returning along the track, we took a footpath across the fields. A Hobby flew overhead, with narrow wings outstretched, and a short distance further along we stumbled upon a Sparrowhawk being hassled by crows, it’s barred tail showing well as it took refuge in a lonely tree. Several Buzzards mewed as they rode the thermals, and a perched Kestrel added to our tally of raptors. Alongside a variety of corvids, a juvenile Green Woodpecker showed well for us, flying up from the path to pose vertically on a small post. 

No new ticks, but steady birding, and an enjoyable morning’s walk.

Willow Warbler


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