Wednesday 7th August: Wood Sandpiper at New Monks Country Park

 This morning six Sdos members met with the ranger for this new country park in Lancing which was opened to the public just a few months ago. On a previous visit we were chuffed to find both Reed and Sedge Warbler amongst the reeds, which flow like a river through some raised mounds.

Today we noted plenty of Goldfinch, Linnet and Stock Dove making use of the wild flower strewn grassland and a pair of Greenfinch in some scrubby bushes. In the ditches a pair of Swans were sat on their nest and we found young Moorhen and several Mallard, indicating breeding success this season.

But the highlight of the visit was at the end of our tour, when we were shown a pool tucked away out of sight behind a mound of earth. We noted a variety of Dragonflies here and were discussing the merits of the pool, when I suddenly spotted a wader partially in view amongst the reeds. As it moved out into the open, it revealed itself to be a Wood Sandpiper, an incredible find on this inaugural visit to our new local reserve. We shall definitely be visiting again.

Wood Sandpiper


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