
Showing posts from November, 2023

Wednesday 29th November 2023: Arlington Reservoir and Sovereign Harbour

 Our first time out birding since returning from Brazil,  with a lot of family commitments hampering our opportunities until today. We set off to Arlington Reservoir in search of a Great Northern Diver, which had been there for around two weeks. An initial scan from near the car park, revealed a likely suspect at the far end of the water, so we headed off towards the dam end. It was pretty quiet in bird terms generally, with several volunteers working on the vegetation and trees that surround the lake. A flock of Wigeon and other ducks were in the middle of the lake and a few Great-crested Grebes swam lazily across the water. At the dam end a pair of Egyptian Goose were sat at the water’s edge. We soon spotted the Diver, doing just what it says on the tin, constantly disappearing below the water to reappear in a completely different spot. There was much muttering and grumbling from Mr Photographer, but eventually he was satisfied he had some decent shots and the bird eventually came qu

Friday 15th November 2023: last day at Itororo Lodge

 It was our last morning in Brazil, and we spent the morning birding at the lodge grounds, and astonishingly we continued to add new species to our tally. A Green-backed Becard showed really well just above the decked area and other star birds around the feeders and garden included the Blonde-crested Woodpecker which had appeared briefly earlier in the week. After breakfast, we were guided once more along the trails, finding a Swallow Tanager. Tim lingered at the back, and was rewarded with the elusive Magpie Tanager, which we had failed to find all week, despite being told it was a regular at the feeders. On a side trail we added Drab-breasted Bamboo-Tyrant and White-collared Foliage Gleaner, which some of the group had missed previously. A Grey-bellied Spinetail was another addition to the trip. I had difficulty in seeing a White-necked Thrush in a gloomy bush to the despair of our guide, who could not believe I couldn’t see it. Fortunately it changed position, and with the light beh

Tuesday 14th November 2023: REGUA Wetlands and lowland forest

 Today we were headed down from the mountains, and with the lower levels of Brazil sweltering in extreme temperatures, the decision was made to leave the lodge at the unearthly hour of 4am for a morning of birding, to be followed by a leisurely lunch in a restaurant, before returning early to the lodge. We arrived at Reserva Ecologica de Guapiacu (REGUA) at 05.30 and were immediately enjoying fantastic birding around this manmade wetland. In the fields as we drove into the car park were Cattle Egret, Southern Lapwing and Caracara. On a telephone wire, a Cliff Flycatcher perched obligingly, and a Creamy-bellied Thrush was on the ground. We hadn’t even left the bus yet! Reaching the first pools, a Channel-billed Toucan flew into a tree. We found both Tropical Kingbird and Social Flycatcher, and spent some debating the differences and trying to get the key features of these relatively common birds into our heads. A Masked Water Tyrant was busy feeding around the margins of the pool, and a

Monday 13th November 2023: Macae de Cima

 A much slower birding day today, walking along a dirt track through the rainforest towards Macae de Cima, at mid altitude. As we alighted from the bus, a pale-vented Pigeon flew over, and Grey Swifts circled above the valley. We had some excellent views of Bare-throated Bellbird, with a bird in the scope revealing its open, turquoise throat as it sang. A Blue Dacnis and Rufous-capped Spinetail were spotted in the bushes, and we had a very poor view of an Amethyst Woodstar. A Yellow-olive Flatbill was decidedly underwhelming. Bare-throated Bellbird Things picked up at our next stop, where we scrambled down a steep bank to find a singing Chestnut-headed Tanager, a striking bird, and in the same bush, a brief appearance from a Variable Antshrike. Chestnut-headed Tanager Further along the road we encountered a mixed flock, and in a flurry of activity, we had some decent views of a male Pin tailed Manakin and female Blue Manakin, together with tiny Streaked Xenops, Buff-fronted Foliage Gle

Sunday 12th November 2023: Open Country Birding in Brazil

 A superb day of birding today, finding over 100 species as we headed down from the forest and out to the open countryside around Duas Barras. Before leaving the Lodge, we had another beautiful new species for the trip, the elegant blue Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, visiting the nectar feeders. The Campo Flickers were again in the grounds, and as we left, a Grey-fronted Dove was glimpsed from the bus. Driving through Nova Friburgo, a Black-crowned Night Heron was on the river, and a large flock of Cattle Egret roosted in the trees. Swallow-tailed Hummingbird Our first stop was overlooking an expanse of marshy grassland, where we found a fabulous array of quality birds. We started with a golden Saffron Finch in the hedgerow, then two Toco Toucans landed in a distant secopia tree, giving stunning scope views. Behind us someone called a Chalk-browed Mockingbird perched on the wire, then a Short-crested Flycatcher appeared in a nearby bush. Several Smooth-billed Ani were active in the grassl

Saturday 11th November: Itororo Lodge grounds and trails

 After yesterday’s drive, we were to spend today around the lodge grounds. Once again we started on the terrace, with an abundance of birds coming and going around the garden and feeders. A purple-hued Plumbeous Pigeon was sat in a tall tree at the back of the garden, and Rough-legged Tyrannulet and Spix’s Spinetail were new birds for the trip, although not particularly memorable. A Green-winged Saltator appeared on a feeding table and was soon joined by Azure-shouldered Tanagers. We were delighted to discover a pair of the stunning Campo Flicker had appeared in the grounds, and gave spectacular views as they canoodled on the nearby branches. A Pallid Spinetail landed in the tree, then a Southern Beardless Tyrannulet. Southern Rough-winged Swallows whizzed overhead and an Olivaceous Woodcreeper foraged on a trunk. Plumbeous Pigeon Pallid Spinetail Azure-shouldered Tanager Campo Flicker We set off along the white trail, but had barely moved a few feet, before a stunning pair of Rufous-h

Friday 10th November 2023:Pico da Caledonia

 Today we were headed up to the mountains, targeting a whole different set of birds at this higher altitude, with more open terrain. The minibus drove us to around 1650m, and we walked slowly from here up a steep cobbled track to the higher reaches of the mountain, stopping to look and listen for birds on our way. We were very quickly finding new species, with a Thick-billed Saltator in a tall shrub, and several Yellow-legged Thrushes seen around the area. Beside the road a Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet foraged in a shrub, and moments later a beautiful Diademed Tanager appeared nearby. A lovely Black and Gold Cotinga was singing and we had great scope views of this striking bird with a distinctive song. We had barely moved from our start point! Emily, the younger member of the group and our super spotter, noted a Black and White Hawk-Eagle which flew up from the valley, even managing a photo as it flew overhead, giving stunning views for us all. Thick-billed Saltator Yellow-legged Thrush D